Research Study For Carers of Neurodiverse Children

Research Study for Carers of Neurodiverse Children

Here at The Outdoors Group, we are committed to inclusivity and providing the same level of support and access to what we do for all children and young people. Over the last 11 years, we have worked extensively with neurodiverse children and young people, through our TLP provision, our work at The Outdoors School and through our Forest School provision.

Over the years, we have spoken to many parents and carers about the difficulties that they have experienced in accessing the support they need for their children. We know that gaining a diagnosis and accessing appropriate education is not always as easy as it should be. Fundamental to everything we do is trying to level the playing field and to go above and beyond in our support and what we do and can offer.

Consequently, we are starting a research study to assess the level of need within our area (Devon, Cornwall and Somerset) for specialist support for neurodiverse children and young people and those with SEND.  As a company, we want to better understand how we can help serve our community and potentially provide additional services to this end in the future.

If you are a parent or carer to a child to which this applies or know some people who are, we would love your input and collaboration. We have created a short survey to help us gather information and data on this. It will only take a few minutes but the more people that complete it, the clearer a picture we can get on current SEND provision and access to services in our local area.

Other Services

free initial meet & greet

To raise awareness of what we can offer, schools can book a free “meet and greet” session. We recommend that you have an informal chat so that we can establish your requirements and provide recommendations. This will be a 1-hour session and gives you the chance to find out about the variety of Outdoor Learning services and packages that we have available for schools.


If you are at the start of your forest school journey take a look at our Forest School Leader Training options. We run a range of accredited training courses by qualified practitioners to help you develop your Forest School and outdoor skills.

Forest school consultancy

Our Forest School (FS) Consultancy aims to equip practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills in order to develop their forest school setting and practice in the outdoor environment.

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